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We need your help!

Fostering Hope in Michigan (FHIM) offers a variety of volunteer opportunities and we are seeking individuals to fill these roles so we can host our programs and provide hope for kids and teens in Foster Care.  We are currently recruiting for all of our summer camps and mentoring clubs.


For the Children (FTC) Royal Family KIDS (RFK) camp adult roles require volunteers to be age 18, while Teen Reach Adventure Camps (TRAC) requires adult volunteers to be 20.  RFK teen staff volunteers must be age 16.  Teens and college students may obtain community service hours volunteering with Fostering Hope in Michigan.   

FHIM is based in Midland, MI where all trainings, which are in person, take place.

Scroll through the list of volunteer roles and let us know which one matches your talents and available time commitment. 

You've got questions, we've got answers!
Are you ready to volunteer?

Message received! We'll be in touch.



Fostering Hope
In Michigan

(989) 492-0030


Fostering Hope in Michigan:

PO Box 1665

Midland, MI 48641-1665

You've got questions, we've got answers!
Are you ready to volunteer?

Message received! We'll be in touch.



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