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Royal Family KIDS® Group Mentoring Club

Mentors and mentees have a special bond that was established during the week of Royal Family KIDS camp. After camp is over, that bond is carried over into Group Mentoring Club which meets once a month throughout the school year.  During the club time, these relationships are strengthened through song, activities, games, Bible Stories and a Connection Corner.  The Connection Corner is a time where mentors and kids meet in small groups and discuss topics such as: what is being safe, what to do if you feel unsafe, how do you react when you feel unsafe and who and when to talk to a safe adult. 


Studies have shown that having at least one caring adult in a child’s life can make a huge difference in the life of that child. We encourage the building of community for the kids, through the monthly club meetings. Club gives them a chance to reconnect with camp friends and adults, build friendships and a sense of community.  It also builds leaders for the following  year's summer camp, as the kids have built confidence with the adults and friends they had at Group Mentoring.  The Group Mentoring Club runs from September through May. 

When a kid goes to Royal Family KIDS Camp, they are invited to join Group Mentoring Club!

At club they will build a relationship with mentors, who will seek to be a friend, encourager, a good listener and strive to build confidence, self-esteem and a feeling of acceptance.   


 We also desire to build leadership skills in non-threatening ways. Kids are invited to perform  puppet shows, act out Bible stories, work with the tech team and be a leader during games and activities, all skills that build the confidence which they can take into other aspects of their lives.

Some Activities Include





Bible Story


Memory Verses

Group Outings

Leadership Skills

Group Mentoring Club Dates

September - May
3rd Saturday of the month

 Group Mentoring Club staff must be at least 16 years old to volunteer and be willing to commit to attending morning club meetings on the third Saturday of each month, September through May.

To volunteer as staff, it is not required that you have attended camp.  If you have not attended camp, there will be a background check and an interview required before being accepted as staff.  There are many areas to volunteer: activities (aka crafts), games, preparing breakfasts and some lunches, worship leader, tech, Bible storyteller, special event planner and club buddy.  All are needed to make the club run smoothly.  Staff are asked to commit the entire morning of the third Saturday of each month, September to May.

 Want to Volunteer?

Fill out the "Request Information form, below.  

An initial interview to answer your questions and determine program suitability with the director will be scheduled.  An application will be sent to you via email if you qualify after this interview.

A complete background screening is required, if you have not attended the current year's camp.

8 hours of training for new volunteers and 4 hours for returning volunteers. (provided by the local RFK Staff).

Volunteer Opportunities

Song Leader


Mentors are paired up with a mentee in the RFK program. Mentors spend at least 4 hours a month with their mentee in addition to the monthly club meeting.

Club Buddy
Club Buddy

Club Buddy

Club buddies hangout with the kids during club and make sure the kids get plenty of attention. Club buddies participate in activities and games with the kids.

Bible Story Teller

Bible Story

Each club meeting has a theme and a Bible story to go with it. The Bible Story Leader reads the story and has kids participate as characters from the story. 

Meal Prep

Meal Prep


A hot breakfast is served at each club meeting.  Many of our kids do not get breakfast before coming to club.  Upon arriving they sit with mentors and staff to have a delicious meal and to catch up on life, prior to the start of club. 



Each club, the activity leader brings a craft for the kids to make and take home. The crafts usually go along with the monthly theme or the holidays. 

& More

More Volunteer Roles

There are many staff positions that need to be filled to make club run smoothly. Just let us know your skills and we will match you in an area that needs to be filled. Some include:
Music, Administration Support & 
Tech Team

 to Volunteer Fill out the form below, and we will contact you.

Leadership Team

Jaime Schaefer


Katie Palleccia

Club Coordinator




 Volunteer since 2010

I love working with the Mentoring Club. While teaching the Bible story, playing games or doing activities, I see the kids making friends, building confidence and just having fun.


Volunteer since 2013

If you want to make the world a better place start at home. There are many who need our love and support right here in mid-Michigan and the Fostering Hope organization puts you directly in contact with them. I volunteer to share the love of Jesus with those who may not otherwise feel it.

My current club mentee has had struggles and has been very angry in the past, not being able to deal with it. As he has grown, he can now work out when things get tough for him. I’m so proud of how he’s grown into a tremendous young man. He gives me inspiration an encouragement to know how our kids’ lives can change through our programs, all kids are worthy of all we can do for them.


Volunteer since 2009

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